Jacob Paris
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Custom routing with Remix

While Remix comes with a file based routing system built in, that's just a default convention and it's actually fully customizable.

The configuration all happens in the vite.config.ts file.

Using the remix-custom-routes package, you can pass any list of files and turn them into routes.

Its getRouteManifest function takes an array of route IDs and their file paths and returns a manifest of routes that Remix accepts.

The route ID is the standard remix flat file convention but without the file extension.

import path from "node:path"
import { getRouteManifest } from "remix-custom-routes"
function here(...paths: string[]) {
const __dirname = import.meta.dirname
return path.join(__dirname, ...paths)
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ignoredRouteFiles: ["**/*"],
async routes() {
return getRouteManifest([
// /
["_home", here("app/homeLayout.tsx")],
["_home._index", here("app/home.tsx")],
// /about (wrapped in homeLayout)
["_home.about", here("app/about.tsx")],
// /login and /signup
["_auth", here("app/auth/layout.tsx")],
["_auth._login", here("app/auth/login.tsx")],
["_auth._signup", here("app/auth/signup.tsx")],
// /es/blog/post-name or /blog/post-name
["($lang).blog", here("app/blogLayout.tsx")],
["($lang).blog.$slug", here("app/blogPost.tsx")],

If this is all you want, you can get away without the remix-custom-routes plugin and use the built-in defineRoutes API.

But this array format has advantages as you'll see below.

File based routing

If you like file based routing, you can use a glob pattern to collect your routes together, and then pass them to the getRouteIds function.

This approach gets you pretty close to the default file based routing behavior.

import { glob } from "glob"
import path from "node:path"
import {
} from "remix-custom-routes"
const __dirname = import.meta.dirname
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ignoredRouteFiles: ["**/*"],
async routes() {
const appDirectory = path.join(__dirname, "app")
const files = glob.sync(
{ cwd: appDirectory },
// returns an array of [id, filepath]
const routeIds = getRouteIds(files, {
indexNames: ["_index"],
return getRouteManifest(routeIds)

Excluding files

There is a lot of room for customization with the glob pattern. For example, you can exclude .server.ts and .client.ts files so that you can put them right next to your routes without causing Remix to try to mount them as routes.

That lets you put blog.tsx and blog.server.ts side by side.

const files = glob.sync("routes/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,mdx}", {
ignore: [
cwd: appDirectory,

dot route suffixes

Or you can make routing an opt-in process for each file, by forgoing the /routes folder entirely and requiring every route to have a .route.tsx suffix.

With that approach, you can put your routes anywhere in your codebase. You can make feature folders where every file related to a feature is colocated.

const files = glob.sync("**/*.route.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", {
cwd: appDirectory,

Automatic layouts

You can manipulate the IDs that getRouteIds returns before passing it to getRouteManifest.

This is useful if you want to add a common layout to all of your routes but don't want to add it to every single file path.

const routeIds = getRouteIds(files, {
indexNames: ["_index"],
}).map(([id, filepath]) => {
if (!filePath.includes("auth")) {
// auth routes don't get the layout
return [`_layout.${id}`, filepath]
return [id, filepath]
}) as Array<[string, string]>
return getRouteManifest(routeIds)

Add optional language segment

For internationalization, you may want your URL to include the language. /blog might default to english, but /es/blog would return spanish.

Just like the above example, you can add a ($lang) segment to your route IDs for the blog routes.

const routeIds = getRouteIds(files, {
indexNames: ["_index"],
}).map(([id, filepath]) => {
if (filepath.includes("blog")) {
return [`($lang).${id}`, filepath]
return [id, filepath]
}) as Array<[string, string]>
return getRouteManifest(routeIds)

There is a whole video dedicated to custom routing for optional language segments on Youtube.

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