Add Drizzle+PostgreSQL to Remix Vite with Cloudflare
Drizzle is a typescript ORM for interacting with relational databases. It gives you type-safe reads and writes, plus automatic migration handling.
Drizzle works with many different databases, and can be configured to work with PostgreSQL.
In this guide, we'll implement this example of Drizzle and PostgreSQL to a Remix Vite app running on Cloudflare.
Start with the remix cloudflare vite template:
npx create-remix@latest --template remix-run/remix/templates/cloudflare
In addition to Drizzle, we will also need to install Drizzle Kit, which is a CLI migration tool, and any postgres driver, such as postgres.
npm i drizzle-orm postgresnpm i --save-dev drizzle-kit
You may also want to check out my guide on deploying to Cloudflare Pages if you have any issues along the way.
Write your schema
The schema is where you define your tables and columns. Drizzle uses typescript to infer types from your schema, so you get type-safe reads and writes.
Create a new file app/drizzle/schema.server.ts
and write a basic schema to get started.
import { pgTable, text, serial } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"export const resources = pgTable("resources", { id: serial("id").primaryKey(), title: text("title").notNull(), href: text("href").notNull(),})
To power typescript's type inference and autocomplete, we need to generate types based on our schema. That's what the drizzle-kit
CLI tool was for.
Go to your package.json
, add a db:migrations
script to run the migrations:
{ "scripts": { "drizzle:update": "drizzle-kit generate:pg --out ./app/drizzle/migrations --schema ./app/drizzle/schema.server.ts" }}
Run npm run drizzle:update
and you should see a migrations directory in your app/drizzle
folder. This will be committed to your repo.
Set up a Postgres database
Create a Postgres database with your provider of choice and set the DATABASE_URL
environment variable in a .dev.vars
file. Cloudflare uses this instead of a .env
file. For example,
We need to tell typescript that this database exists, so run the following command to generate an interface in worker.configuration.d.ts
npx wrangler types
which will look something like this:
interface Env { DATABASE_URL: string}
The remix-cloudflare template currently comes with a load-context.ts file that has an empty Env interface. You'll need to delete this to get the generated one to work.
- interface Env {}
You may need to restart the Typescript server to pick up the changes. In VS Code, open the command pallette with CMD Shift P
and run Typescript: Restart TS Server
Read and write documents
Drizzle should be fully set up now. Let's try it out!
In one of your routes
- add an action that inserts a new item into the database
- add a loader that reads all the items from the database and returns them as JSON
- add a form that submits to the action
You can access the connection string from context.cloudflare.env.DATABASE_URL
in your action and loader functions.
import postgres from "postgres"import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js"export async function loader({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) { const db = drizzle(postgres(context.cloudflare.env.DATABASE_URL)) …}
Here is a full route file you can copy and paste into your Remix project at app/routes/_index.tsx
// http://localhost:5173/import { json, type MetaFunction,} from "@remix-run/cloudflare"import type { LoaderFunctionArgs, ActionFunctionArgs,} from "@remix-run/node"import { Form, useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js"import postgres from "postgres"import { resources } from "#app/drizzle/schema.server"export async function action({ request, context,}: ActionFunctionArgs) { const formData = await request.formData() const title = formData.get("title") as string const href = formData.get("href") as string const db = drizzle( postgres(context.cloudflare.env.DATABASE_URL), ) await db .insert(resources) .values({ title, href }) .execute() return json( { message: "Resource added" }, { status: 201 }, )}export async function loader({ context,}: LoaderFunctionArgs) { const db = drizzle( postgres(context.cloudflare.env.DATABASE_URL), ) const resourceList = await db .select({ id:, title: resources.title, href: resources.href, }) .from(resources) .orderBy( return json({ resourceList, })}export default function Index() { const { resourceList } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>() return ( <div> <h1> Welcome to Remix (with Cloudflare, Drizzle, and Postgres) </h1> <ul> { => ( <li key={}> <a target="_blank" href={resource.href} rel="noreferrer" > {resource.title} </a> </li> ))} </ul> <Form method="POST"> <div> <label> Title:{" "} <input type="text" name="title" required /> </label> </div> <div> <label> URL: <input type="url" name="href" required /> </label> </div> <button type="submit">Add Resource</button> </Form> </div> )}